Hans-Jörg Rheinberger Former Senior Fellow

Hans-Jörg Rheinberger
April - September 2010


Hans-Jörg Rheinberger studied philosophy and biology in Tübingen and Berlin. He received his M.A. in philosophy in 1973, his Ph.D. in biology in 1982, and his habilitation in molecular biology in 1987. He was Assistant Professor at the University of Lübeck, Germany, and Associate Professor at the University of Salzburg, Austria. Since 1997, he is a Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society and Director at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. Hans Jörg Rheinberger has been a fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin and of the Collegium Helveticum in Zürich. He is honorary professor at the Institute for Philosophy and History of Science of the Technical University Berlin, a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of the Sciences, a member of Leopoldina, the German Academy of Natural Scientists, and a doctor honoris causa at the Federal Polytechnical Institute in Zurich.

Dated from 2010

Fields of research

History and epistemology of experimentation in the life sciences; history of scientific objects; drawing and writing as research techniques; spaces of knowledge; the cultural history of heredity.


Historische Epistemologie zur Einführung, Hamburg: Junius 2007.
with Staffan Müller-Wille (ed.): Heredity produced: at the crossroads of biology, politics, and culture, 1500-1870, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 2007.
with Norbert Haas and Rainer Nägele (ed.): Virtuosität, Eggingen: Isele 2007.
Epistemologie des Konkreten: Studien zur Geschichte der modernen Biologie, Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp 2005.
Iterationen, Berlin: Merve 2005.
Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Wissenschaftsförderung: Gedanken zum Verhältnis von Staat und Wissenschaft, Vaduz: Verlag der Liechtensteinischen Akademischen Gesellschaft 1998.
Toward a history of epistemic things: synthesizing proteins in the test tube, Stanford, CA: Stanford Univ. Press 1997.
with Michael Hagner and Bettina Wahrig-Schmidt (ed.): Räume des Wissens: Repräsentation, Codierung, Spur, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1997.
with Michael Hagner and Bettina Wahrig-Schmidt (ed.): Objekte, Differenzen, Konjunkturen. Experimentalsysteme im historischen Kontext. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1994.
Experiment, Differenz, Schrift. Anmerkungen zur Geschichte epistemischer Dinge, Marburg: Basilisken-Presse 1992.

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