Stefano de Bosio Former Research Fellow

Stefano de Bosio
October - January 2019


Stefano de Bosio is lecturer in Art History at the Freie Universitaet Berlin – FUBiS, where he has been Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Art History in 2015-17. Prior to arriving to FU Berlin, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art in Paris and member of the EUPLOOS project at the Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. In Autumn 2016 he was visiting fellow at the Mahindra Humanities Center of the Harvard University. Stefano got his PhD at the University of Turin (Italy) with a research devoted to the artists mobility in the Western Alps around 1500. Together with the theories and practices of image reversal, these dynamics of exchange and artistic geography currently represent his major foci of research.

Dated from 2019

Fields of Research

Image reversal; theory and practice of pictorial composition; mirror imagery; artistic geography; cultural notions of space and place

IKKM Research Project

Patterns of Orientation. Toward an Epistemology of Lateral Reversal in Early Modern Reproductive Techniques

My current book project, tentatively entitled Patterns of Orientation. Toward an Epistemology of Image Reversal in the Early Modern Period, explores the constellation of meanings pertaining to the lateral reversal in Western art theory and practice in the early modern period (15th-18th centuries). It investigates in the longue durée the polysemic and fluctuating relationship ‒ ranging from perfect equivalence to radical alterity ‒ that artists and beholders established between images and their left-right reversed counterparts. The aim is to show how the issues of reversal variously affected the conceptions of composition and imitation, of copy and reproduction, ultimately shaping the very relationship between the artwork, the artist and the beholder. My research at the IKKM focuses on early modern and contemporary notion of reproduction, exploring the medial and cultural implications of lateral reversal as recurrently attested in Western printmaking during the early modern period.

Selected Publications

“Butterfly Wings: Wölfflin, Kandinsky and the Role of Image Orientation in Pictorial Order”, in LaoZhu (ed.), Terms. Proceedings of the 34th Congress of Art History, International Congress Proceedings (Beijing, September 11-16, 2016), in press;

“Master and Judge: The Mirror as Dialogical Device in Italian Renaissance Art Theory”, in M. Zimmermann (ed.), Dialogical Imaginations: Debating Aisthesis as Social Perception, International Congress Proceedings (University of Eichstätt, April 6-10, 2016), Zurich, Diaphanes, 2018, p. 23-42;

“Formes de la dissemination. L’image inversée dans les Recueils gravés au XVIIIe siècle”, in A. Beyer, E. Jollet (eds.), Wiederholung/Répétition, International Congress Proceedings (Paris, Centre Allemand d’Histoire de l’Art, June 26-28, 2014), Berlin/Munich, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2017, p. 67-79.

“Se rendre à Lyon. Les Etats de Savoie et la région lyonnaise entre XVe et XVIe siècles”, in F. Elsig (eds.), Peindre á Lyon au XVIe siècle, International Congress Proceedings (Université de Genève, October 21-23, 2012), Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana Editoriale, 2014, p. 25-41.

“Per Ambrogio Bellazzi da Vigevano", Nuovi Studi. Rivista di Arte Antica e Moderna, XVI, 2012, p. 33-60.