Berlin: August 2015, ca. 296 Seiten, kart. ISBN: 978-3-941360-34-1
Mit Texten von Marcus Becker, Francesco Casetti, Thomas Elsaesser, Lorenz Engell, Ulrike Hanstein, Rosa John, Esther Leslie, Volker Pantenburg, Lesley Stern, Annette Urban und Kenneth White
Things and objects have been at the center of theoretical debate for some years. However, the question what Film and Media Studies can contribute to questions of human and non-human agency has been largely absent from these discussions. The essays in this book address this lack and scrutinize cinema’s specific way of dealing with objects. If we consider cinema not as a mere mode of representation but as an epistemological machine: What does it know about things and objects? How does it process the relations between humans and non-humans? Alternating theoretical approaches with individual case studies, this book provides answers from different perspectives and sheds light on the peculiar ontology of the “Cinematographic Object.”
Volker Pantenburg ist Juniorprofessor für Bildtheorie mit dem Schwerpunkt Bewegtbildforschung an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Buchpublikationen unter anderen: Film als Theorie. Bildforschung bei Harun Farocki und Jean-Luc Godard (2006), Ränder des Kinos. Godard – Wiseman – Benning – Costa (2010) und Screen Dynamics. Mapping the Borders of Cinema (hg. zus. mit Gertrud Koch und Simon Rothöhler, 2012). Von 2010 bis 2013 leitete er das Junior Fellow Programm „Theorie und Geschichte kinematographischer Objekte“ am IKKM Weimar.