18 Uhr
Lichthaus Kino
Am Kirschberg 4, Weimar

Ce gamin, là. Fernand Deligny and the Cinema of Drifting Lines Film Screening und Diskussion mit Marlon Miguel & Elena Vogman

The trajectory of Fernand Deligny is difficult to pin down. Not educator, not psychologist, neither philosopher, nor artist – yet a little of all these at once, and a writer whose body of work unfolded over fifty years in intimate relation with a particular milieu long cast as ‘maladjusted.’ This event will explore some aspects of Deligny’s later tentative, a foundation of a Network of living places in southern France receiving mute autistic children. The discussion will be based on Renaud Victor’s documentary Ce gamin, là, which follows everyday life within the Network. The film completes an important body of Deligny’s texts, documents, and images – in particular the cartographies, in which lignes d’erre (drifiting lines, wander lines) describe the movements and gestures of autistic children within a certain space.